
Check in(year/month/day)

/ /
night room

Number of people to stay

(Please input the number of people of one room) adult: person
childA: person (Less than primary schoolchild)
childB: person (More than a primary schoolchild)

Room rate

Point Card tell or this HP reservation present point cardPromise low price! Cafe & Resturant BENTEN 新潟京浜ホテル

1-3-15 benten Chuo-ku Niigata city
Tel +81-25-249-1177 Fax +81-25-384-8201




Promise low price!
TEL(025-249-1177)or this HP reservation

※same day, parson, room type comparison

■Tel or this HP reservation present point card

Only this HP or tell reservation present point.
10nights stay, pass a night free.


・There is no annual fee or expiry date.
・All rooms stamped once a stay.
・10nights stay, pass a night free. (single or semi double room)
・Free hotel voucher all days can use.
・Promise low price.
・Cash payment, free breakfast.